I’ve been ignoring this blog for way too long. Part of the problem is I want to review all the books I have read this year except for comics. I started the year off on the wrong foot and procrastinated. I got so far behind that catching up seems impossible. I’ve decided to chip away at it slowly, and do my best.
So, behind the scenes I have been writing reviews and getting them into posting shape. I’m hoping to have several reviews scheduled and ready to post. So that I have something ready and don’t have to worry about it week to week.
Part of my problem is that I haven’t really figured out my review style. I think I have an idea but I don’t know how it effective it is with readers. Which kind of sounds silly since I’m so spotty with reviews and my inconsistence makes it impossible to judge what is working and what isn’t.
My Virgo moon demands perfection. And when she doesn’t get it, she takes her motivation and goes homes. I hate her.
But anyway, I’m working on it. And part of this work was creating a posting schedule. Which I have done. A posting schedule has been very helpful, knowing what to post when goes a long way in keeping myself accountable and helps fight the procrastination demon.
So, this week you can expect:
Sunday: Sunday Post (done)
Tuesday: Postal Series Review
Wednesday: Sugar by Bernice McFadden Review
Thursday: Quotables
Friday: Friday Reads
The McFadden Review isn’t done yet, but it just needs to be edited and posted. So, that’s today’s task along with selecting quotes for Thursday.
Thanks for Reading,