Welcome to Goodreads Monday originally hosted by Budget Tales Book Blog. I have adapted Goodreads Monday to meet my reading and blogging needs.

Goodreads Monday is where I use a random number generator to pick two books placed on my Goodreads want to read shelf before the start of 2023. I will read the synopsis and an couple of reviews and decide if I want to keep or remove the books from my want to read shelf.
On to the books.

She Who Became the Sun (The Radiant Emperor #1) by Shelly Parker-Chan
Book Number: 1981
When I saw this, I knew it was staying. I placed She Who Became the Sun on my want to read shelf on May 4, 2021 and it has several elements that tickle my interest: historical, adult, fantasy. I am learning that like historical fiction, historical fantasy is my jam. After I read several of the reviews, I questioned if She Who Became the Sun was going to stay. The reviews I read showed concerns about pacing and the number of point of views, which normally would turn me off. The overall average is high, 3.91 stars and my Goodread friends all rate it 4 stars or higher.
Verdict: Keep It

Into the Dark by Fiona Cummins
Book Number: 2166
For the second week in a row, I picked a crime thriller. Look at the influence that Booktube has on my want to read shelf. Into the Dark was placed on my want to read shelf on August 7, 2022. Like the last Goodreads Monday, Keep Her Safe, isn’t something normally in my radar unless it I saw it on Booktube. Unfortunately, Into The Dark doesn’t have the added bonus of being a romantic suspense to push me more towards the keep range. And the reviews and synopsis didn’t help its case either. The overall Goodreads score is 3.78 stars, but none of my Goodreads friends have reviewed it. But I don’t want to read more crime thriller….
Verdict: Keep It