Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post hosted by That’s What I’m Talking About where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments.

TMST Question: Have you found a way to cut back significantly on your TBR pile?
That was easy.
But honestly, Dear Reader, I haven’t even tried to cut back on my TBR pile.
The only thing that have done recently to cut back on the list of books waiting for me to read them is my weekly post Goodreads Monday. I use a random number generator to pick a number that corresponds to a book on my Goodreads, want to read list. Then I read the synopsis, a few ratings and decided if I want to keep the book on the list or get rid of it.
I do two books each week and keep more books than I get rid of. But it’s a good way to remind me what’s on the list and gage if I’m still interested in it.
If I were being honest with both myself and you, Dear Reader, I am not really looking to cut back significantly on my TBR list. I love having a list with so many options. Being able to just use a random number generator to select from thousands (yes, my TBR list has thousands of books on it) is fun to me. I random number generator has picked out a few gems, and it frees me up from having to make the selection myself.
Have you found a way to cut back significantly on your TBR pile, Dear Reader?