Welcome to Goodreads Monday originally hosted by Budget Tales Book Blog. I have adapted Goodreads Monday to meet my reading and blogging needs.

Goodreads Monday is where I use a random number generator to pick two books placed on my Goodreads want to read shelf before the start of 2023. I will read the synopsis and an couple of reviews and decide if I want to keep or remove the books from my want to read shelf.
On to the books.

Keep Her Safe by K.A. Tucker
Book Number: 2945 (not randomly selected.)
Date Shelved: December 30, 2022
I don’t remember why I put Keep Her Safe on my want to read shelf and it has only been a month. And honestly, Dear Reader, after reading the description it’s something that wouldn’t normally draw my attention. I’ve read a few crime thrillers but have never been a huge fan of them. And I don’t think I’ve ever read romantic suspense. The description was mildly interesting as most descriptions of crime thrillers are. The reviews that I read weren’t bad and raised a few flags as good reviews do. But the romantic suspense element is what made it hard for me to decide if I want to keep it or remove it.
Verdict: Keep It

Cinders: The Untold Story of Cinderella by Finley Aaron
Book Number: 1520
Date Shelved: January 24, 2020
Apparently Cinders is a book I found out because of Booktube and judging by the age classification and genre I’m not surprised. Most of the Young Adult fantasy books on my TBR come from watching Booktube. Booktube is the reason that I started reading young adult fiction. I have enjoyed most of the contemporary YA novels that I have read but haven’t taken the plunge into YA fantasy. The synopsis of Cinders is the standard YA fantasy synopsis nothing special. And unfortunately the reviews didn’t do much to elevate my interest in this one.
Verdict: Remove it