Welcome to Goodreads Monday originally hosted by Budget Tales Book Blog. I have adapted Goodreads Monday to meet my reading and blogging needs.

Goodreads Monday is where I use a random number generator to pick two books placed on my Goodreads want to read shelf before the start of 2023. I will read the synopsis and an couple of reviews and decide if I want to keep or remove the books from my want to read shelf.
On to the books.

The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals by Michael Pollan
Book Number: 563
Date Shelved: 11/2017
I will let you know, Dear Reader, that it will take a lot for me to remove a non-fiction book from my want to read list. Will I ever get to all the non-fiction books on my want to read list? No. Will I removed some? Probably? Will I remove this one? No.
Verdict: Keep It

Laziness Does Not Exist by Devon Price
Book Number: 2104
Date Shelved: April 2022
I don’t remember placing this non-fiction book about the harms of modern productivity culture on my shelf. But like The Omnivore’s Dilemma above, it took very little for me to make my verdict, basically reading the synopsis.
Verdict: Keep It